Learner Information

Learner Information


Parking is available at the College although spaces cannot be guaranteed for daytime classes as the car park is also used by staff and other College visitors. Parking on our site is at your own risk. Disabled parking is available.

Learning Partner

Sometimes we all need to a little support to do something new and often we ask a friend to do it with us, some people need support to boost their confidence or help with access. If you are interested in becoming a learning partner or helper please contact Heather Adam, Adult Learning Officer on 01954 288751 for details. Equally if you would like to attend a class but feel that you may need support to enable to your participation please contact the Adult Learning office on 01954 288751.

Transport Difficulties

If you would like to attend a class but have no transport please contact us on 01954 288751 as we may be able to put you in touch with someone who can give you a lift.

Equalities Statement

Cottenham Village College operates an Equality of Opportunity Policy. We will ensure that resources and equipment are accessible to all and make reasonable adjustments to ensure that all can access activities. If you have any specific needs which might affect your learning you are entitled to a confidential interview where we can look at the support which you require. We believe that everyone is entitled to learn in an environment that is free from discriminatory behaviour so that we build a community based on mutual trust and respect.

Insurance & Losses

The Local Education Authority cannot accept responsibility for accidents to members of clubs and classes other than those covered by their Public Liability Scheme, nor for the loss of personal property left on the premises, nor for damage to cars and bicycles. Members wishing for such cover should make their own arrangements : only occasionally is lost property recovered satisfactorily.

PAT TESTING of electrical items coming onto the College Site

Any electrical items that come onto the College site (eg. Sewing Machines, Overlockers, Embellishers, Electric Guitars/Amplifiers must all be subject to a current PAT Testing Certificate unless under a year old.

National Careers Service (NCS)

Careers advice is available to all learners, the NCS provides free information and guidance on all aspects of learning skills development and employment. Help is provided in a way that suits you, on-line, face to face or by telephone.

Closure of Classes – refunds of fees

A full refund will be given when a class is closed due to small numbers. Please note that fees are not refundable for absence from a class that is continuing to meet- unless for medical reasons where a Dr’s Certificate is required.

Materials/ingredients for classes

Please do not purchase materials/ingredients for classes until they are confirmed as running, which for some workshops may not be until the week before the class is due to start.


Concessions are available but evidence of entitlement is required at enrolment or before. The following groups may claim the reduced rate for leisure courses :

– Working Family Tax Credit

– Job Seeker’s Allowance

– Income Based Benefit

– Main income State Pension only – learners must be in receipt of Guarantee Credit (pension credit) on its own or with savings credit – an award notice will be required as proof.

– Unwaged dependent of one of the above

– Student aged between 16 and 18

No Smoking

Government Legislation, introduced on 1st July 2007, places a total ban on smoking in public places. Cottenham Village College is a smoke free site.

Fitness & Health courses

You will be requested to complete a general health form at the first class.

Data Protection

All students will be required to complete an enrolment form at their first session. Details are governed by the Data Protection Act.

Safeguarding & Prevent

We have made arrangements to ensure that you are safe in our Centre. If you feel you are not safe for any reason, for example through verbal or physical abuse or you have been discriminated against; tell your tutor or a member of the Adult Learning. We will investigate and try to resolve the situation.

Policies for learners:

Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy

Adult Learning & Skills ESFA Privacy Notice 2018-19

Astrea Academy Trust Privacy Policy

Covid 19

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